Step 1: Select a search term from the Add search term drop-down menu and select the Add button. Enter the text string into the search term box. Additional help for each search term can be accessed through the button once the search term is added.
Step 2: Select a search property from the Add search property drop-down menu to restrict your results set and select the Add button. Enter the value into the search property box or use the look-up tool by selecting the magnifying glass at the end of the search property box to select from eFiling data. Multiple search properties can be added to further restrict results. Additional help for each search property can be accessed through the button once the search property is added .
When using multiple search terms or search properties, use the AND or OR buttons. The black colour on the button means it is enabled. Using the group numbers ensures the order of operations in the search string. The system will automatically add the parenthesis to ensure the order of operations is set by the group numbers. The system will automatically group search terms that are identical and insert the OR operator.
The system composes the search syntax into the Search string box. The search string may be edited if you are a power user and can understand the search syntax.
Step 3: Select the Search button. Your results will display on a separate eFiling results browser tab.
Search term help screens:
The Contains all words search term uses the AND operator and returns search results that include all of the words in the search string.
Example: ("bat" AND "windmill").
The wildcard operator * can be used to get all forms of a word.
Example: entitle* will return entitlement, entitled, etc.
The Contains any words search term uses the OR operator and returns search results that include one or more of the specified words.
Example: ("bat" OR "windmill" OR "turbine" OR "blades").
The wildcard operator * can be used to get all forms of a word.
Example: entitle* will return entitlement, entitled, etc.
The Words near each other search term uses the NEAR(8) operator and returns results where a term is within close proximity to another term. The order of the terms does not matter.
Example: ("wildlife" NEAR(8) "migration"). The number within the brackets after NEAR can be changed by the user to any value.
The Words within the same paragraph search term uses the NEAR(200) operator and returns results where a term is within close proximity to another term. The order of the terms does not matter.
Example: ("wildlife" NEAR(200) "migration"). The number within the brackets after NEAR can be changed by the user to any value.
The Specific phrase search term will put the text entered into quotations and returns results where documents contain the exact text string entered.
Example: "the most commonly observed species".
Add search property help screens:
Proceeding number restricts the results to a proceeding site page or documents that are part of the proceeding number entered.
Example: user enters 26372 and the system populates (ProceedingID:"26372" OR "Proceeding" NEAR(8) "26372" OR "Proceeding 26372") into the search string.
Documents uploaded before restricts documents in the result set to those that were uploaded to the location(s) prior to the date chosen. This does not include documents uploaded on the date chosen.
Example: user selects date of April 12, 2021 and the system populates Created < "2021/04/12" into the search string.
Documents uploaded after restricts documents in the result set to those that were uploaded to the location(s) after the date chosen. This does include documents uploaded on the date chosen.
Example: user selects date of April 12, 2021 and the system populates Created >= "2021/04/12" into the search string.
Document category restricts documents in the result set to the chosen category of applications, filings, dispositions or all in eFiling.
Example: the user selects Application from the drop-down list and the system populates EntityType:"Application" into the search string.
Document type restricts documents in the result set to the chosen document type from the drop-down list of document types in eFiling.
Example: the user selects Ruling from the drop-down list and the system populates DocumentType:"Ruling" into the search string.
Filed by restricts documents in the result set to the party that filed the document. This can be different from the registered party if filed by a representative.
Example: the user selects Bennett Jones LLP from the party look-up tool and the system populates FiledBy:"Bennett Jones LLP" into the search string.
Library name restricts documents in the result set to the chosen library (Public/Confidential/Restricted) from the drop-down list of library names available.
Example: the user selects "Public" from the drop-down list and the system populates LibraryName:"Public" into the search string. The result is that only documents in the Public documents library are returned in the search results.
Using NOT: Once the search string is populated, you can optionally add the NOT operator to the search term to indicate that you want all documents that are NOT in the indicated library.
Example: the user selects "Public documents" from the drop-down list and the system populates LibraryName:"Public" into the search string. The user manually types the word NOT in front of LibraryName - the result looks like: NOT LibraryName:"Public". The result is that all documents from Public documents will be filtered out of the search results.
Registered party restricts documents in the result set to the party that the application, filing or disposition document is made on behalf of.
Example: the user selects Consumers Coalition of Alberta from the party look-up tool and the system populates RegisteredParty:"Consumers Coalition of Alberta".
The wildcard operator * can be used to get all forms of a company name.
Example: ATCO* will return ATCO Electric, ATCO Gas, etc.
Additional information and examples can be found in the efiling Internal User Guide.